January 17 is the birthday of Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor, engraver, and goldsmith ANTONIO DEL POLLAIUOLO (1429/33-1498).

"According to Kenneth Clark, two factors have reduced his prominence in the modern view of Quattrocento art: the loss of his very large paintings of some of the Labours of Hercules, and 'a name which looks difficult to pronounce.' In his own day, and for several decades later, his "true position" as 'one of the originating forces in the history of European art 'was recognised.." (Wikipedia)

To see examples of his work, CLICK HERE.

ROBERT FLUDD (January 17, 1574)

January 17 is the birthday of English physician, mathematician and astrologer ROBERT FLUDD (1574-1637).

Fludd "was a prominent English Paracelsian physician with both scientific and occult interests. He is remembered as an astrologer, mathematician, cosmologist, Qabalist and Rosicrucian.

Fludd is best known for his compilations in occult philosophy. He had a celebrated exchange of views with Johannes Kepler concerning the scientific and hermetic approaches to knowledge." (Wikipedia)

A.B. FROST (Jan. 17, 1851)

January 17 is the birthday of American illustrator, painter and comics writer A.B. FROST (1851-1928).

Frost "is best known for his illustrations of Brer Rabbit and other characters in the Joel Chandler Harris' Uncle Remus books.

Frost's work is known for its dynamic representation of motion and sequence and for his realistic hunting, shooting and golfing prints. He illustrated over 90 books, produced hundreds of paintings and was a pioneer in the development of comic strips. He was admitted posthumously to the Society of Illustrators' Hall of Fame in 1985." (Wikipedia)

To see examples of his work, CLICK HERE.

MAY GIBBS (January 17, 1877)

January 17 is the birthday of Australian children's author and illustrator MAY GIBBS (1877-1969).

Gibbs "best known for her gumnut babies (also known as 'bush babies' or 'bush fairies'), and the book Snugglepot and Cuddlepie." (Wikipedia)

To see samples of her work, CLICK HERE.



On January 17, 1904, Anton Chekhov's play THE CHERRY ORCHARD had its premiere at the Moscow Art Theatre.

“Life’s all done, just as if I never even lived it ...”

"The story presents themes of cultural futility – both the futile attempts of the aristocracy to maintain its status and of the bourgeoisie to find meaning in its new-found materialism. It dramatizes the socioeconomic forces in Russia at the turn of the 20th century, including the rise of the middle class after the abolition of serfdom in the mid-19th century and the decline of the power of the aristocracy." (Wikipedia)


THIS DAY IN HISTORY: On January 17, 1966, Columbia Records released the second album by Simon and Garfunkel . . . The Sounds of Silence.